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The name of the organization shall be The California Community College Athletic Trainers’ Association (3CATA). 



To present recommendations concerning the health and safety of California Community College student-athletes. 

To maintain and improve the prevention and care of athletic injuries sustained by California Community College student-athletes. 

To establish minimum standards of medical care for 3C2A sanctioned sports. 

To educate the 3C2A, school administrators, coaches, athletes, and the community to the roles and functions of California Community College Athletic Trainers. 

To create an opportunity for California Community College Athletic Trainers throughout the state to join together in a common effort for the improvement of Athletic Training programs. 

To enhance the communication between Local, Regional, State, and National Community College Athletic Trainers. 

To maintain and improve high standards of athletic trainer competency and integrity as established by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association/California Athletic Trainer’s Association. 

To cultivate and develop the highest professional potential of its members by encouraging the constant pursuit of excellence through a concerted effort of the total membership. 

To enhance the communication between California Community College Athletic Trainers and the 3C2A in the achievement of these objects.



Active Member: 

Any individual who is up to date with membership dues and is currently working within the California Community College System and meets the standard of Athletic Medical Coverage Personnel found in the 3C2A Bylaw Section 9.2.2 

Associate Member: 

Any individual who supports the purpose and objectives of the California Community College Athletic Trainers’ Association. 



Section 1: 

Composition: The Executive Board will consist of the President, the two Vice Presidents, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. 

Section 2: 

The responsibilities of the Executive Board: To act on any matter of concern to the 3CATA as deemed necessary. 



Section 1: Composition

The Representative Council will consist of one Conference Representative from each of the Athletic Conferences in the State of California, as deemed by the 3C2A, the chair of the sports reps, and the Executive Board. 

Section 2: Alternate Representation

An Alternate Representative from each Conference in the State will be chosen and shall assume the responsibilities of that Representative in their absence. 

Section 3: Meetings of the Representative Council/3CATA Business Meeting: 
  1. To be held in conjunction with the Fall and Spring meetings of the 3C2A.
  2. Representatives may attend the meeting in person or virtually.
Section 4: Voting

Each member of the Representative Council shall receive one vote on Executive Board issues. The President will only vote in case of a tie. 

  1. Voting will take place at the Fall and Spring 3CATA meetings held at the 3C2A Conventions.
    1. Representatives who are attending the meeting virtually can vote if their camera is on.
Section 5: Duties of the Representative Council

The Representative Council shall receive, review, and act of all matters pertaining to 3CATA business.



Section 1: Composition
  1. The officers of the Association, who shall make up the Executive Board, shall be selected from the active membership list of the Association and as noted: 
    1. The President 
    2. A Vice President from the North
    3. A Vice President from the South
    4. The Secretary  
    5. The Treasurer
Section 2: Selection of Representatives
  1. Each Conference of the State is to choose a Representative and an Alternate Representative for the Representative Council.  
  2. The chair of the sports representatives shall be on the Representative Council.
    1. The chair shall be appointed by the Executive Board. 
    2. There shall be a representative for each sport sponsored by the 3C2A.
      1. Football will have a representative for both the NCFA and SCFA.
Section 3: Election of Officers
  1. The Representative Council will vote for the Elected Officers. These Officers will be known as the Executive Board of Directors. The officers of the Executive Board may NOT concurrently be a conference representative.
Section 4: Term of Office
  1. The Elected Officers will serve a term of three years. Terms will start on June 1st
Section 5: Duties of the Officers
  1. Specific duties for each officer are listed in the Association By-Laws. 



Section 1: 
  1. A General Meeting of the 3CATA shall be held on an annual basis.
  2. Members are invited to attend the Representative Council meetings (3CATA Business Meeting) in conjunction with the 3C2A Fall and Spring Meetings.



Section 1: Dues

The annual dues of the 3CATA shall be determined by the Representative Council. The dues are payable on July 1st of every year. 

Section 2: Expenses of the Association
  1. Expenses from $0-150 may be utilized with the President’s approval. 
  2. Expenses from $151-$300 may be utilized with a majority vote of the Executive Board. 
  3. Expenses greater than $300 may be utilized with a majority vote of the Representative Council.



Section 1: Duties of the President 
  1. Chair all 3CATA Meetings. 
  2. Represent the 3CATA to the 3C2A. 
  3. To sit on the management council of the 3C2A during their 3-year term. 
  4. Appoint committees and perform such duties as they pertain to the office. 
  5. Attend all 3C2A meetings or send a representative to insure athletic training input.  Including participating on any 3C2A committees that require representation from the 3CATA. 
  6. Call and chair special meetings of the Executive Board.  
  7. Make all necessary arrangements for Executive Board and General Membership meetings. 
  8. Make requests to all members of the 3CATA, through the Conference Representatives, for items of discussion at all meetings. 
  9. Act as liaison to other professional organizations. 
  10. Act as a liaison to 3CATA committees as determined by the Executive Board
  11. Represent the Executive Board on the 3CATA Medical Advisory Board
  12. Communicate and report out 3C2A business to members.
Section 2: Duties of the Vice Presidents 
  1. Shall preside at meetings, in their respective section, in the absence of the President. 
  2. Assist the President in any manner the President requests.
  3. Work closely with the Conference Representatives in their respective sections. 
  4. Serve on the Executive Board of Directors Maintain a contact list of and communicate with all Conference Representatives and Alternates. 
  5. Act as a liaison to 3CATA committees as determined by the Executive Board
  6. Work closely with the Conference Representatives in their respective sections.
  7. Serve on the Executive Board of Directors Maintain a contact list of and communicate with all Conference Representatives and Alternates. 
  8. Act as a liaison to 3CATA committees as determined by the Executive Board
Section 3: Duties of the Secretary 
  1. Keeps records of all meetings of the Representative Council and all General Membership meetings.
  2. Record all motions and keep all minutes of the meetings. 
  3. Send a copy of the minutes to all Conference Representatives within two weeks of the meeting.
  4. Provide to the Executive Board a list of attending conference reps and their respective conference. 
  5. Serve on the Executive Board.
  6. Act as a liaison to 3CATA committees as determined by the Executive Board
Section 4: Duties of the Treasurer 
  1. Keep all records of financial transactions. 
  2. Maintain and distribute funds of the Association.
  3. Serve on the Executive Board of Directors. 
  4. Collect dues. 
  5. Distribute to the Executive Board a current Membership Directory.
  6. Develop and Present for approval an annual budget at spring meeting.
  7. Provide a quarterly financial statement to the Executive Board and an annual financial report at the General Meeting. 
  8. Provide membership forms to all community college athletic trainers, and membership certificates.
  9. Act as a liaison to 3CATA committees as determined by the Executive Board
Section 5: Duties of the Conference Representatives: 
  1. Disseminate to the athletic trainers, in their conference, any information that may affect community college athletic trainers. 
  2. Attend their general conference meetings and represent the interests of the athletic trainers in any matters of interest and concern to them.
  3. Collect all nominations from their conference for: conference reps executive officers A final vote must be counted by the conference reps and forwarded up to the Executive Board, via their respective vice president.
  4. Hold, at the minimum, 1 meeting a year with the athletic trainers in their conference. At this meeting there must be a majority of attendance, to discuss any legislation, current concerns, or problems. 
  5. Attend all Executive Board meetings, with a minimum of one, each year of the 3CATA. 
Section 6:  Duties of the Sports Representatives:
  1. Maintain communication with the leadership of the sport they are representing.
  2. Attempt to attend any meetings of the leadership of the sport they are representing to give a sports medicine perspective.
  3. Communicate with host athletic trainers regarding playoffs.



Terms for positions are for a 3-year period. All officers except the president must be voted upon each term.  The terms begin on June 1st. Anyone that is currently holding office must state their intentions to continue to run as an incumbent or decline the nomination. 

Section 1: President 
  1. The president shall alternate between the Northern section and the Southern section of the State. The vice president from the alternate section will assume the role of president when the president’s term is up. It is strongly recommended that the vice president have completed at least one term before becoming president.
  2. The president shall serve one term. If for any reason the president cannot fulfill their term, then the vice president with the highest seniority may step in to fulfill the president’s term. This will not affect the status of that VPs rotation for the office of president. If this option is unavailable due to a decline of that VP or they are equal, then a two thirds majority vote of the representative council will decide who will fulfill the term. 
Section 2: Vice Presidents: 
  1. The Vice Presidents may serve a period of 2 consecutive terms and will then either move into the office of president or will be replaced.  
Section 3: Treasurer & Secretary: 
  1. There will be no term limits on the treasurer or secretary, however they will be subject to nomination and vote at the end of each three-year term. 
Section 4: Conference representatives and alternates: 
  1. Each conference rep and alternate may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. After sitting out one term they may be nominated again for their conference. 
Section 5:  Sports Representatives
  1. Each sports representative may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Section 6: Elections
  1. Qualifications  – To be eligible to run for a Board position, members must have served at least one term as a Conference Rep, Sports Rep or committee chair for a standing committee.
  2. Timeframe – There will be a call for candidates for open positions at the fall business meeting.  Candidates can present their platforms, if necessary, at the spring business meeting.  Voting will take place after the meeting.  Winners of the seats will be announced by May 15th.
  3. Process – through survey monkey link by conference reps, board members, president only if tie
  4. Necessary ratios – Highest vote total wins



Section 1:  Committee Structure
  1. The 3CATA Committees will consist of:
    1. Representation from both Northern and Southern California community college athletic trainers
  2. Committee Chair or Chairs
    1. Voted on by committee at the first meeting of the academic year.
    2. Limited to 2 terms
    3. A person can re-run after sitting out a cycle.
  3. A term of 3 years with no limit on serving for consecutive terms for Committee members
    1. Each committee will have an assigned liaison from the Executive Board.
  4. 3CATA Members who are interested in serving on one of these committees should complete the 3CATA Committee Interest Application (add to appendix)
Section 2:  Medical Advisory Board
  1. Roles and Responsibilities
    1. Members shall be called upon to provide medical opinion regarding how the 3CATA will develop best practices for their membership.
    2. Shall convene a minimum of twice a year in fall and spring to discuss various topics and trends and/or when directed by the 3CATA leadership.
    3. Shall be composed of sports medicine-affiliated physicians, other medical professionals as necessary and liaison 3CATA athletic trainers and shall consult with outside medical professionals regarding any specialized topics.
    4. Members shall be current on topics and trends that affect the sports medicine community.
    5. Members shall assist the 3CATA in identifying, prioritizing, and researching sports medicine issues. The committee will proactively address health and risk management issues of general and specific concern to the 3CATA.
    6. Members shall address sports medicine issues as they impact 3C2A rules and the health and risk management of its participating student-athletes.
    7. Members shall advise the 3CATA when deemed necessary and possible on questions regarding protective or special equipment not specifically addressed in the 3C2A playing rules.
    8. Members shall work cooperatively and maintain liaisons with sports medicine, sports industry and other related organizations that may assist the committee in its work.
    9. Members shall advise the 3CATA in development, review, and revision of 3CATA position statements and guidelines to assist the 3CATA leadership and membership in making informed decisions that contribute to minimizing risk associated with student-athlete participation in 3C2A sports.
    10. Additionally, members shall bring any issues and concerns to the 3CATA leadership as issues and concerns arise.
    11. All opinions made by the members and the board as a larger body, shall be advisory in nature, based upon current knowledge and expertise, and shall be applied as the 3CATA deems appropriate. The opinions and recommendations of this advisory board shall not be binding and can be adjusted as changes in medicine, research and/or guidelines occur.
    12. Recommends a 3CATA representative to serve on the NATA ICSM committee.
 Section 3:  Legislative Committee
  1. Roles and Responsibilities
    1. Update the 3CATA Constitution.
    2. Review Bylaw 9 of the 3C2A Constitution and update through 3C2A processes as deemed necessary.
    3. Review new legislation proposed for the 3C2A Constitution that affects the health and safety of student-athletes and provide guidance to the 3CATA President.
    4. Create new legislation for the 3C2A Constitution as needed.
Section 4:  Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
  1. Roles and Responsibilities
    1. The Equity/Diversity/Inclusion Committee will focus on all topics promoting equity for the 3CATA members.
    2. Goals of the committee
      1. Ensuring leadership is reflective of the association demographics.
      2. Ensuring appropriate P&P for inclusivity and acceptance
      3. Educational training sessions in diversity and inclusion
      4. Highlight accomplishments regarding EDI Mentorship
      5. Development of a pledge
Section 5:  Professional Development and Advancement Committee
  1. Roles and Responsibilities
    1. The Professional Development Committee (PDC) was created to address issues and opportunities that arise as certified athletic trainers in California Community College athletics advance in their careers.
    2. The PDC seeks to support athletic trainers by:
      1. advocating practice of 3CATA membership standards
      2. promoting professional and ethical values 
      3. creating opportunities to enhance clinical skills. 
      4. Promoting networking and mentorship
      5. developing and fostering leadership opportunities
    3. The committee focuses.
      1. on work-life balance
      2. career satisfaction and growth
      3. professional retention of athletic trainers
Section 6:  Social Media and Webpage Committee
  1. Roles and Responsibilities
    1. The role of the Social Media and Webpage committee is to promote California Community College athletic trainers and bring awareness to the profession. As a major source of information dissemination to the constituents in the 3CATA, this committee strives to highlight the exceptional work athletic trainers do in upholding the health and safety of the community college athletes they serve and foster a sense of connection amongst the membership.
    2. At least one representative from the North and one representative from the South will maintain and update the Social Media and Website platform. 
Section 7:  Awards Committee
  1. Roles and Responsibilities
    1. Athletic Trainer of the Year Award: Exemplary California Community College Athletic Trainer
  1. Athletic Trainer of the Year is an award handed out to an athletic trainer demonstrating exemplary service in the California community college athletic setting. Criteria for nominations to this award include exemplary service to the community college student-athlete and the 3CATA organization by providing services that go above and beyond in the role of certified athletic trainer.  
  2. Procedure to Determine
    1.  Nominees will be brought forward by any member of the 3CATA.  
    2. The nominee must be a member of the 3CATA.  
    3. All nominees must be put forth on the appropriate application with all criteria having been met. All nominations must be put forth no later than the second week of February and the winner announced by the third week of February.
    4. The final vote will be made by the awards committee based on the information on the application, and if the person received numerous nominations. The Board will vote only if there is a tie. 
  1. Hall of Fame: Exemplary Service and Longevity in the California Community College Setting
    1. The Hall of Fame is an award of distinction given to at least two, no more than four, California community college athletic trainers who exemplify the meaning of a career of service. Criteria for nominations include exemplary service to California community college student athletes, service to the 3CATA or other athletic training organizations, and longevity at the California community college.
    2. Procedure to Determine
      1. Nominees will be brought forward by any member of the 3CATA.  
      2. The nominee must be a member of the 3CATA.  
      3. All nominees must be put forth on the appropriate application with all criteria having been met.  
      4. The final vote will be made by the awards committee based on the information on the application, and if the person received numerous nominations. The Board will vote only if there is a tie. 
      5. If a nominee is not selected during their first year of nomination, they will remain eligible for Hall of Fame consideration for five additional years.
  2. Special Service Award: Serving with Distinction in the California Community College Athletic Trainers Association
    1. The Special Service award is given to those members of the 3CATA that have served in a role within the organization and provided exemplary service.  
    2. Procedure to Determine
      1. Nominees will be brought forward by any member of the 3CATA.  
      2. The nominee must be a member of the 3CATA.  
      3. All nominees must be put forth on the appropriate application with all criteria having been met.  
      4. The final vote will be made by the awards committee based on the information on the application.
  3. Appreciation Award: Going above and beyond to assist certified athletic trainers in support of their role in the healthcare setting.
    1. The Appreciation award is given to those individuals that go above and beyond to offer support to certified athletic trainers at the California community college. The service(s) the individual provided directly resulted in benefits to the California community college student athlete, the California community college athletic training program, or the 3CATA organization. 
    2. Procedure to Determine
      1. Nominees will be brought forward by any member of the 3CATA.
      2. All nominees must be put forth on the appropriate application with all criteria having been met. 
      3. The final vote will be made by the awards committee based on the information on the application. The Board will vote only if there is a tie. 
  4. Life Saver Award: Saving a Life While Working in the California Community College Setting
    1. The life saver award is given to any certified athletic trainer working in the California Community College setting who administers lifesaving interventions during a medical emergency.
    2. Procedure to Determine
      1. Nominees will be brought forward by any member of the 3CATA.
      2. The nominee must be a member of the 3CATA. 
      3. The lifesaving event will be vetted by the committee. 
      4. The final vote will be made by the awards committee. 
  5. Community College Sports Medicine Intern Scholarship Award: Students Who Excel in Their Commitment to the Student Athlete in their Educational Pursuit of the Profession of Athletic Training.
    1. The Sports Medicine Intern Scholarship award is given to at least two students based on dedication, work ethic, skill, collegiality, and need. The student must be a community college student and there are no minimum service requirements for nomination, no restriction on what year in school the student is, and no minimum GPA requirements. (Dollar amount of the awards and number of awards per region will be determined based on availability of funds in the 3CATA bank account.) 
    2. Procedure to Determine
      1. Up to three nominees may be brought forward by any member of the 3CATA (three nominations per institution). 
      2. All nominees must be put forth on the appropriate application highlighting the attributes of the student intern(s). 
      3.  The final vote will be made by the awards committee based on the information on the application. The Board will vote only if there is a tie.
Section 8:  Membership Committee
  1. Roles and Responsibilities
    1. Maintain an accurate membership directory available on the 3CATA website.
    2. Keep an accurate record of members who have paid their membership dues.
    3. Coordinate membership recruiting throughout the year.



Section 1
  1. Constitution Amendment Timing and Procedure
    1. All proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the 3CATA Legislative Committee by a member at least six (6) weeks prior to the Fall 3C2A meeting. The Secretary shall distribute copies of the proposal to all the members in good standing at least three (3) weeks prior to the Spring business meeting.
    2. A proposed amendment to the Constitution that has been properly submitted requires a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote of the membership prior to the Spring 3C2A meeting.The election shall be completed by the meeting. 
    3. The vote will be ratified at the meeting.
Section 2
  1. Bylaw Updates
    1. All proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the 3CATA Secretary by a member at least six (6) weeks prior to the Fall 3C2A meeting. The Secretary shall distribute copies of the proposal to all the Representative Council members at least three (3) weeks prior to the Spring business meeting.
    2. A proposed amendment to the Bylaws that has been properly submitted requires a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote of the Representative Council at the Spring 3C2A meeting.
Revised 8/2/2023