Maintain your memberhsip in the 3CATA. Memberships are annual from July 1 to June 30th
The Big 8 conference will be holding a CATA Region 1 CEU opportunity on Clinical Allyship. Big 8 Spring meeting will follow the presentation. The meeting will be held at Cosumnes River College on May 6th at 5pm. Please see the attached flier for more information and make sure to register for the meeting using […]
College of the Sequoias is hiring a full-time classified athletic trainer. If you or you know someone that is interested please use the link below.
Art Yee from Delta College Art Yee served as athletic trainer at San Joaquin Delta College for 36 years! (1977-2013). In his first 30 years at the college, Art was the only athletic trainer for the entire athletics program. Art covered all home games in Stockton and traveled with various teams to away games. Sports […]