Maintain your memberhsip in the 3CATA. Memberships are annual from July 1 to June 30th
Mendocino Community College is looking to hire an 11 month full time athletic trainer. The yearly salary range is from $54,708.00 – $68,412.00 and the closing date is 11/3/2021. More information about the position and the application can be found at the link below.
Full-time permanent position as a professional expert 11 month contract (can be paid over 12 months) $4907/month Teaching opportunities w/ Master’s Degree National AT certification required Proof of full vaccination status Apply on Chaffey College employment website (should be advertised next week) Part-time is $28.31/hr and usually a full 20 hrs/week National AT certification required […]
San Bernardino Valley College is looking to hire a full time classified athletic trainer. If you are interested please follow the link below for a job description and application.[0]=Athletics&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs
Imperial Valley College is looking to hire a full-time classified athletic trainer. For information on the job description and application, please use the following link.