Maintain your memberhsip in the 3CATA. Memberships are annual from July 1 to June 30th
The Executive Committee for Education recognized its award winners at the 70th NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. Pictured left are Preceptor of the Year winner Andrew Paulin, ATC, with Jolene Dickert, EdD, ATC, who nominated him for the award. Additonal awards were given for the Sayers “Bud” Miller Distinguished Educator Award recipients Jay Hertel, […]
Foothill College Emergency Injury Care In-service and Practice Session What: Group training session with members of the Santa Clara County Fire Department. A great chance to practice your skills and communicate with local emergency personnel on protocols. • Will include presentation on emergency care for equipment-laden athletes in multiple sports (football, softball, baseball) • Additional […]